Tajdar e Madina صلى الله تعالى عليه واله وسلم said to Sayyiduna Hazrat e Anas رضي الله عنه,
Son! If you can spend all your time in the state of Wuzoo then do so,
because when the Angle of Death capture the soul of a person in a state of Wuzoo, he is written down as a Martyr.
[Kanzool Ummal, V 9, Hadith No. 26060, Dar ul Kutbul Ilmiya, Beirut]
Son! If you can spend all your time in the state of Wuzoo then do so,
because when the Angle of Death capture the soul of a person in a state of Wuzoo, he is written down as a Martyr.
[Kanzool Ummal, V 9, Hadith No. 26060, Dar ul Kutbul Ilmiya, Beirut]