پانی بیٹھ کر اجالے میں دیکھ کر سیدھے ھاتھ سے بسم الله پڑھ کے تین سانس میں اس طرح پیئں کے ھر بار برتن کو منہ سے ہٹا کے سانس لیں۔پہلی اور دوسری بار ایک ایک گھونٹ پیئں اور تیسری سانس میں جتنا چاھیں پیئں ۔جب پی چکیں الحمدلله کہیں۔ فیضان سنت
Before drinking wate...r Sit down, firstly bring water into light look at water .Take glass into right hand recite Bismillah ,and drink it in three breath .In every breath take the glass away from mouth .In first And 2nd breath take just one one sip And in 3rd breath you can drink water how much you want .after drinking say “Alhamdulillah “
Before drinking wate...r Sit down, firstly bring water into light look at water .Take glass into right hand recite Bismillah ,and drink it in three breath .In every breath take the glass away from mouth .In first And 2nd breath take just one one sip And in 3rd breath you can drink water how much you want .after drinking say “Alhamdulillah “